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Chainalysis 站出来:专家证词如何帮助定罪两个欺诈性 ICO 的创建者


On July 21, 2022, Atlanta film producer Ryan Felton pleaded guilty to multiple counts of wire fraud, securities fraud, and money laundering. This is the second time Chainalysis has taken the stand to demonstrate the true transparency of blockchains, following another case in Canada that also resulted in a conviction. 

2022 年 7 月 21 日,亚特兰大电影制片人 Ryan Felton承认了多项电汇欺诈、证券欺诈和洗钱罪名。这是 Chainalysis 第二次出庭证明区块链的真正透明度,此前加拿大的另一起案件也被定罪。 

An investigation is only as successful as its prosecution, and this case sets a precedent that blockchain analyses can be used in much the same ways as texts, emails, and other forms of electronic evidence. To the best of our knowledge, we are now the first and only blockchain analysis tool to be tested in U.S. courts.


Here’s how U.S. Head of Investigations Beth Bisbee’s testimony helped secure Felton’s guilty plea.

以下是美国调查主管贝丝·比斯比 (Beth Bisbee) 的证词如何帮助确保费尔顿认罪。


Evidence of wire fraud

The charges against Felton arose from his fraudulent promotion of the initial coin offerings (ICOs) of two companies:

对Felton的指控源于他对两家公司的首次代币发行 (ICO) 的欺诈性推广:

  1. FLiK, a streaming platform that Felton falsely represented was co-owned by the rapper T.I., and

    FLiK是Felton 谎称的流媒体平台,由说唱歌手 T.I. 共同拥有。

  2. CoinSpark, a cryptocurrency exchange that promised investors a quarterly dividend amounting to 25% of the exchange’s net profits.

    CoinSpark是一家加密货币交易所,它向投资者承诺每季度派发相当于该交易所净利润 25% 的股息。

Due to misrepresentations and omissions made by Felton, numerous investors sent wire transfers of cryptocurrency to the ICO smart contracts in exchange for FLiK and SPARK tokens. These transactions – several of which Beth detailed in her testimony – led Felton to be charged with 16 counts of wire fraud.

由于 Felton 的虚假陈述和遗漏,许多投资者将加密货币电汇到 ICO 智能合约,以换取 FLiK 和 SPARK 代币。这些交易——贝丝在她的证词中详述了其中的几笔交易——导致费尔顿被指控犯有 16 项电汇欺诈罪。


Ryan Felton 与 ICO 的链上连接

Ryan Felton’s on-chain connections to the ICOs

Felton claimed that the funds raised from the FLiK and CoinSpark ICOs would go towards developing their respective platforms. Instead, they were deposited into Felton’s personal accounts at two crypto exchanges, where they were then cashed out for a combined $2.5 million.Felton 

声称,从 FLiK 和 CoinSpark ICO 筹集的资金将用于开发各自的平台。相反,它们被存入 Felton 在两个加密货币交易所的个人账户,然后在那里被提取,总计 250 万美元。

Beth Bisbee presented the following Reactor graph in her testimony to visualize how Felton diverted investors funds into his own accounts.

Beth Bisbee 在她的证词中展示了以下Reactor 图,以形象化 Felton 如何将投资者的资金转移到他自己的账户中。


Felton spent these funds extravagantly, making all-cash purchases of a $1.5 million residence, a $180,000 Ferrari, a $58,250 Chevy Tahoe, and approximately $30,000 in diamond jewelry. 

费尔顿挥霍这些资金,全现金购买了价值 150 万美元的住宅、价值 180,000 美元的法拉利、价值 58,250 美元的雪佛兰 Tahoe 以及价值约 30,000 美元的钻石首饰。


Evidence of on-chain money laundering

Beth’s testimony also presented blockchain evidence of Felton’s guilt with respect to one of the several money laundering charges against him. Through a review of Felton’s accounts, Beth was able to trace the movement of 100 ETH from one exchange to another.

Beth 的证词还提供了区块链证据,证明 Felton 对针对他的几项洗钱指控之一感到内疚。通过审查 Felton 的账户,Beth 能够追踪到 100 ETH 从一个交易所转移到另一个交易所的情况。



The result: a win against fraudulent investment schemes

We commend the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Northern District of Georgia for their work bringing this fraudulent ICO promoter to justice. This case demonstrates that blockchain analysis is now one of many tools law enforcement has to generate leads and collect evidence that can stand up in court.  

我们赞扬美国佐治亚州北区检察官办公室将这名欺诈性 ICO 发起人绳之以法的工作。这个案例表明,区块链分析现在是执法部门用来生成线索和收集可以在法庭上站得住脚的证据的众多工具之一。  

As always, Chainalysis is ready to support government agencies combating any type of crypto crime at any investigative stage, from lead generation to prosecution. That’s why we recently introduced Chainalysis Government Solutions: to deepen our engagement with governments

一如既往,Chainalysis 随时准备支持政府机构在从潜在客户生成到起诉的任何调查阶段打击任何类型的加密货币犯罪。这就是为什么我们最近推出了Chainalysis 政府解决方案:以加深我们与政府的接触。

